Primer dia del trabajo
I have a lot to talk about, but I am not going to lie, I probably don't have the energy or patience to write it all tonight. This slow computer and confusing keyboard is going to get the best of me. But I will try.
Yesterday was our official first day of work. I met with Pat, the lady in charge of the herbal garden and green pharmacy at the clinic. She was very enthusiastic about the project and confident in my skills as both an herbalist and a spanish speaker. I am very confident in my ability to b.s. my way into convincing people of my superb abilities.. My project is awesome. They really are looking for someone to take over and take charge. I have a lot of freedom to decide what gets cultivated and how it gets processed. As of right now, there are a few things growing in the garden, and I have aplan for them. It goes like this:
Albahaca (basil) - this will be made into a tincture
Oregano - cough syrup
zacate de limon (Lemongrass) - cough syrup y jabon (soap)
achiote - salve for first degree and second degree burns
sabila (aloe) - wash for burns and skin ailments
llanten (plaintain) - jabon y poultice for wounds
Here is a picture of the achiote tree. It is incredibly beautiful and I am excited to cosechar estos arboles pronto!
The last two days I have just been reading through ALL the books they have given me on Plantas Medicinales Nicaraguense. There is a lot of information. Estoy estudiando espanol tambien porque I will be traveling to Esteli (an area in the north montanas) to learn for about 2 weeks at a school. There is a large movement here known as salud campesino which teaches the rural people how to grow and manage small medicinal herb gardens to promote health throughout the country side. I would be learning at one of two main schools, Cecalli o Isnaya. Primero, I need to get better with my spanish.
Vocabulario (tema: salud!)
semilla - seed
hoja - leaf
encima - on top
hervirtir - to boil
dolor - pain (dolor de cabeza = headache, dolar de estomago = stomachache...)
gripe - flu
catarro - cold
tos - cough
Yesterday was our official first day of work. I met with Pat, the lady in charge of the herbal garden and green pharmacy at the clinic. She was very enthusiastic about the project and confident in my skills as both an herbalist and a spanish speaker. I am very confident in my ability to b.s. my way into convincing people of my superb abilities.. My project is awesome. They really are looking for someone to take over and take charge. I have a lot of freedom to decide what gets cultivated and how it gets processed. As of right now, there are a few things growing in the garden, and I have aplan for them. It goes like this:
Albahaca (basil) - this will be made into a tincture
Oregano - cough syrup
zacate de limon (Lemongrass) - cough syrup y jabon (soap)
achiote - salve for first degree and second degree burns
sabila (aloe) - wash for burns and skin ailments
llanten (plaintain) - jabon y poultice for wounds
Here is a picture of the achiote tree. It is incredibly beautiful and I am excited to cosechar estos arboles pronto!

Vocabulario (tema: salud!)
semilla - seed
hoja - leaf
encima - on top
hervirtir - to boil
dolor - pain (dolor de cabeza = headache, dolar de estomago = stomachache...)
gripe - flu
catarro - cold
tos - cough
Who would have thought - years with the master (Dad) really paid, if only his rants in Spanish consisted of more than cuss words and "nacho", "burritos", "zapatos" you would be in business!
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