Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Me Talk Pretty One Day

Nicaragua has completely shut down this week in celebration of Semana Santa (that is Holy Week). Some businesses stay open Monday, Tuesday and a half day Wednesday (businesses such as the CDCA) and then you get the rest of the week off (and sometimes the Monday afterwards as well). Semana Santa is vacation time. It is processions in the street and fireworks in the air time. It is time for special meals and lots of cerveza. And it is ESPECIALLY time for the beach. I am going to the beach on Thursday. The peak of Semana Santa craziness. Holy Jueves and Holy Viernes are the biggest days of the Holy Semana. And Pochomíl is the best beach to go. And that is why I am going to Pochomíl on Thursday. Actually, I am really going to Pochomíl on Thursday because someone gifted a beach house to The Foundation for Semana Santa. The Gringo and family are already there. Sarah and I and Becca and her family go on Thursday - Saturday morning and then Cesar and his family go Saturday- Sunday. Craziness will ensue at the beach. You MUST check my blog next week for all the details. And because it is almost Easter, here is an excerpt from the hilarious book "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. In this excerpt he is taking French classes in France. The teacher has askedthe class to explain Easter to the Muslim student. This is how hard it is to comunicate in a foreign language with limited vocabulary. I read this passage and almost cry I am laughing so hard.
"It is," said one, "a party for the little boy of God who call his self Jesus and... oh shit." She faltered and her fellow countryman came to her aid.
"He call his self Jesus and then he die one day on two... morsels of... lumber."
Te rest of the class jumped in, offering bits of information that would have given the pope an aneurysm.
"He die one day and then he go above of my head to live with your father."
"He weared of himself the long hair and after he die, the first day he come back here for to say hello to the peoples."
"He nice, the Jesus."
"He make the good things, and on the Easter we be sad because somebody makes him dead today."
Part of the problem had to do with vocabulary. Simple nouns such as cross and resurrection were beyond our grasp, let alone such complicated reflexive phrases as "to give of yourself your only begotten son."

Okay, te juro muchos fotos next week. Of the beach! and Semana Santa!
Hasta luego!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

just don't drink too much beer,and have fun, enjoy the beach

April 4, 2007 at 12:27 AM  

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