Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Nerd Alert!

I have never read so much in my life as I have here in Nicaragua. The foundation has an overflowing (and overwhelming) library with everything from Terry Pratchett to Carlos Fonseca to Barbara Kingsolver. Sarah and I have done some dorking out on our own and if I come back with crazy ideas it can only be because I have been under the influence of reading A LOT. Sarah left for the states today and I am very eager for her to return, if not for her company alone, but because she is bringing back three books I recently ordered. There is a link over to the side of this page of other books I have been eyeing, and people I think you should read too, if you have the time.
Here is a short list of what is making my head explode with ideas of sustainability, appropriate technologies and social/environmental justice.
Must reads that I have read:
*"Diet for a Small Planet" Frances Moore Lappé - really anything by FML, she is amazing
* "Unsettling of America" Wendell Berry - thick and a little religious but very good

Things I am looking forward to:
* "Campesino a campesino: Voices from Latin America's farmer to farmer movement for Sustainable Agriculture" Eric Holt-Gimenez
* "Planting the Future: Developing an Agriculture that Sustains land and community" Elizabeth Ann Bird

Some people you should check out:
* E.F. Schumacher
* Wendell Berry
* Frances Moore Lappé
* Micheal Pollan

And to round this out, a quote from Wendell Berry:
"On eroding, ecologically degraded, increasingly toxic landscapes, worked by failing or subsidy dependent farmers and by the cheap labor of migrants, we have erected the tottering tower of "agribusiness" which prospers and "feeds the world" (incompletely and temporarily) by undermining its own foundations."



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