Monday, January 29, 2007


I think I totally moved into the clinic today. I took over all my macerations (I have a oregano and vodka, oregano and vinegar and basil and vinegar processing right now), all my tools (one knife, one cutting board, a funnel, a strainer, a bottle of vinegar, two shot glasses, and a glass bowl), ALL of my books (too many to list!), and my notes. Tomorrow I will be taking over my experiment of chilie infused oil (to make a salve to help out arthritic pain) and my recently gifted electric kettle. Over at the clinic I have arranged all of these items along with a piedra de moler (mortar and pestle) and assorted tables along one wall away from the gynecological exam table. I am in the room that was originally slated as the birthing room, but since the community wanted dentistry and optology over women's health, I am there. Tomorrow I am told that Rogelio will be bringing over a makeshift counter space, which very well might be an eight foot long door on top of two sawhorses. I am very excited. I will be meeting with one of the doctors tomorrow to talk about what plants are ready for harvest and use as is. I am nervous about this. Soon, I will actually be seeing patients and dispensing medicine! Anyone who gets herbal medicine will also get a follow up visit with me so I can chart efficacy and respnose to taste. I am incredibly excited about this. If I were still in school, this would make for a perfect thesis project. Perhaps I will collect my data and publish, haha. I am also working with an old friend (from Earthwatch!) who just recently did a project in Bolivia. He was working to put solar ovens in the homes of Bolivians in order to eliminate the harmful smoke of cooking fires. I contacted him because I realllllllly need a dehydration system for the herbs, and a solar dehydrater would be ideal! He sent me a lot of info on the matter and hopefully we can soon work out some plans for a sweet solar dehydrater. I will keep you updated on that. Now, time for card playing?

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Blogger Marquita said...

Dear Alyse,
You are sounding hopeful about what is going on and what you are beginning to accomplish. Keep it up. Love, Momma

January 29, 2007 at 9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Alyse,
It all sounds so exciting. I can't wait to see your photos from this experience.All those remedies you are creating, wow! You're brilliant. I am so excited for you. This blog is the coolest thing. To journal your experience for us to share as it its happening is such a treat. Stay well and safe. Know we love and miss you.. Love Always, Dana, Paco and Sophia

January 29, 2007 at 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can hook you up with one of those sweet Ron Popeil food dehydrators from the infomercials.

January 30, 2007 at 12:41 PM  

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