Thursday, June 14, 2007


Last night at dinner (I had gallo pinto, a tomato, and beef) I looked up to see Alex staring at me with the most bewildered look on his face. This is normal as Alex thinks I do and say the most ridiculous things at times... As I paused to examine what it was I was doing that would confuse Alex so much, he just started laughing. "Cuchillo! Como usa el cuchillo!?" I realized that Alex was so confused because I was using my knife to cut the meat. "No, no no Alipali. In Nicaragua, you just bite it off!" Claro.
After dinner I introduced the Red Hot Chili Peppers to Bella Cruz. Deyring hated it immediately calling it feo and going to turn it off when Alex yells "It's Alipali's music! leave it on! She listens to your reggaeton crap!" Jimmito liked it because he could play air guitar to it. Erving was also a fan because he could gyrate his hips to it. Everth was into it, but thought every song sounded the same because it had the same beat. We did yoga to the sounds of One Hot Minute and afterwards I relaxed to Anthony while one of the construction workers chatted with Alex.



Blogger Unknown said...

I'm never getting locked in again!
I hope it doesn't happen a third time!

June 14, 2007 at 5:36 PM  
Blogger jamie said...

sometimes i think in this order:

anthony kedis...


really, it's true!

June 18, 2007 at 5:33 PM  

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