We have made it back to Ciudad Sandino and have launched right into a new delegation and lots of work. Costa Rica served its purpose well. My passport has a brand new stamp in it allowing me to stay in Nicaragua for 90 more days. Too bad I can only stay for 20. The bus ride was not too bad and got us there in record time.
Costa Rica reminded us how much we love Nicaragua and our volunteerships in Managua. We stayed in an international hostel (a really nice place in my books) in San José called Hostel Pangea. The place had a nice pool, an upstairs bar and resturant (with good CHEAP food), free internet and laundry service.
The hostel allowed us to meet lots of gringo travelers. It was really funny how quickly people become "experts" on another country - myself included. And it was also strange to see how our viewpoint has changed since moving to Nicaragua. San José is a nice city, although many would say differently.

We were walking around San José gushing about how safe and secure we felt. We (two American girls) could walk around at night and not feel the least bit threatened. Then we would talk to other travelers and they would almost die knowing that we were out and about! We tried to explain how it was in Nicaragua, but I am sure we came off as a broken record. "In Nicaragua..." whoops. To save money we stayed in a dorm style room that the hostel kept to capacity. At all times all 6 beds were occupied. It was a great way to meet people and suggest travel itineraries in Nicaragua! We definitely convinced two people to come to Nicaragua with us. If I didn't know any better, I would hope for some commission from the Nicaragua Tourism Office.
The Costa Rica trip and fellow travelers also reminded us how much we appreciate traveling together. Whenever we go to a city we like to take it in casually. In other words, we are lazy. But in San José it was clear that with our newfound buddies, we would go around and see things. Which was also awesome because I got to see a museum! We went to the Museo de Jade and saw BEAUTIFUL pre-columbian artifacts.
So all in all, I am glad I got out to another country (even though i have been before...) and am legally back in Nicaragua. My last three weeks are going to go by ridicully fast. Next week is my last full week of work as July 19th is Nica's Independence Day (speaking of... Happy 4th!)

Costa Rica reminded us how much we love Nicaragua and our volunteerships in Managua. We stayed in an international hostel (a really nice place in my books) in San José called Hostel Pangea. The place had a nice pool, an upstairs bar and resturant (with good CHEAP food), free internet and laundry service.

The hostel allowed us to meet lots of gringo travelers. It was really funny how quickly people become "experts" on another country - myself included. And it was also strange to see how our viewpoint has changed since moving to Nicaragua. San José is a nice city, although many would say differently.

We were walking around San José gushing about how safe and secure we felt. We (two American girls) could walk around at night and not feel the least bit threatened. Then we would talk to other travelers and they would almost die knowing that we were out and about! We tried to explain how it was in Nicaragua, but I am sure we came off as a broken record. "In Nicaragua..." whoops. To save money we stayed in a dorm style room that the hostel kept to capacity. At all times all 6 beds were occupied. It was a great way to meet people and suggest travel itineraries in Nicaragua! We definitely convinced two people to come to Nicaragua with us. If I didn't know any better, I would hope for some commission from the Nicaragua Tourism Office.
The Costa Rica trip and fellow travelers also reminded us how much we appreciate traveling together. Whenever we go to a city we like to take it in casually. In other words, we are lazy. But in San José it was clear that with our newfound buddies, we would go around and see things. Which was also awesome because I got to see a museum! We went to the Museo de Jade and saw BEAUTIFUL pre-columbian artifacts.
So all in all, I am glad I got out to another country (even though i have been before...) and am legally back in Nicaragua. My last three weeks are going to go by ridicully fast. Next week is my last full week of work as July 19th is Nica's Independence Day (speaking of... Happy 4th!)
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