Monday, February 19, 2007

Another Nica Weekend

This post is going to be lame compared to the last story. Sorry all, but nothing as exciting as reliving a scene from one of my favorite movies has happened since then.
I got sick on Thursday afternoon, and was better by Friday. Everyone is chalking it up to a little food poisoning. After the fact JHC and even the host family let me in on a little secret: everyone who has lived with Dona Yeny gets sick. Awesome.
This weekend was way tranquilo. We did absolutely nothing but read. I had started a book when I was resting on Friday, and finished it last night. It was 600 pages. That is how much of nothing we did this weekend.
Yesterdays weather was strange as it was overcast, windy, and even sprinkled - something that NEVER happens during the dry season. It felt really nice outside. Everyone was going on and on about how cold it was and when I checked the temperature on my watch, it said it was 75 degrees. Frigid.
My plan for today is to get back into the garden and harvest some lemongrass.

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Blogger Marquita said...

Should you continue to eat there, is it safe?

February 19, 2007 at 9:04 PM  

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