Thursday, February 1, 2007

New month

Today was my first full day at teh clinic. It started with a nice chat with some security guys while I was working in the garden. "Hoolllllllllaaaaa Chela. Que tal? Que es eso?" He was pointing to the pile of lemongrass I was harvesting. "Zacate de limon." I smile and walk towards the fence all while thinking Please oh please oh please do not starting talking really fast. Please see my chela skin and bad accent and take it easy on me! "Si! Si! Yo lo creo. Zacate de limon. Me olvido el nombre. Es muy bueno para tos. Verdad?" Whew, it went well. Jose and Manuel were nice.My next big fright came when a abuelita came into my herbal room asking for an examination. I couldn't hear her very well because the power was out and Mario was running the loudest generator I have ever heard. She has a bag with her and she starts taken out the contents and setting them next to the achiote and drying lemongrass. She was a syringe and insulin. She starts pull up her shirt. Oh no, I rush her to Mario explaining that I am putting her materials back into her bag. Mario welcomes her at his door and she starts to laugh. I was afraid of Nicas taking me seriously with medicine, now I am concerning they will think I am a doctor. Gah.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wear a name tag that says "Me llamo Dr. dela Bruja".

February 2, 2007 at 10:09 AM  

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