Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The day in between...

So yesterday was Día de Alegria and tomorrow is the Día de la Revolución. Yesterday was the day that Somoza resigned and fled the country. And tomorrow is the day the Sandinistas took over. So tomorrow is a national holiday, no work and lots of fiestas. This morning Pablito, Sarita and I went over to the clinic and got a lot taken care of. Pablito and Sarah helped out in the pharmacy.
The Dr. Perez, the bone doctor, comes in on Wednesday mornings and Daniela always needs lots of help. So Sarita and Pablito were the back up.
I was busy making sure everything was getting put together in the green pharmacy and the garden for my grand departure. There is some concern about the garden when I leave, and because now is the time to grow things, the Foundation wanted me to make sure the garden was full of medicinal plants. (Right now it is about 3/4 full). So I went to Doña Conchita, my medicina verde guru. Doña Conchita and I went out to the garden to look at some of the weed groups I left growing the last time I weeded in hopes that something would be useful. As we walked around she would point and say "Riñones" "Corazon" "Sangre" Everything had medicinal properties! I quickly began transplanting my "weeds" into manicured rows and made sure to write down the names as well. Now the garden is just about completely full and Doña Conchita will take care of the rest on Sunday.



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