Another weekend in the barrio down, Sarah and I have become the MASTERS of boredom. This weekend wasn't too too bad, but I was busy cleaning, packing and doing laundry. On Saturday Sarah and I went in to Managua and bought the final items I will be taking home from Huembes Mercado. When we got back around 3p the barrio was all a flustered as Katherine was getting ready to attend a quinceañera (as a Dama, no less.) Recently, I have decided to take my camera around with me and snap every possible photo available and this was the perfect time to start going picture crazy. The kids know how to work my camera as well, so I really like handing it over to them and letting them take whatever pictures they want. (This is all possible thanks to Dan, who got me a 2gb memory card which seems to be limitless in my camera).
The camera first went to Deyring, who arranged Katherine in various poses.

In the midst of the fiesta preparations, a group of guys selling candied apples walked by and the chevalos went crazy. So they all got a candied apple and were so happy.
Deyring had to get back to making tortillas, so she handed the camera back to me and the kids posed with their apples.

Everyone shared theirs because they couldn't possibly eat an entire candied apple. Everyone, that is, except Lineth.

Katherine was ready pretty early it seemed and was left to wait on her mom Yadira, pops Tio Jimmy, and Doña Yeny. It was now Dianis turn with the camera. Even though she has a hard time getting the picture she wanted, they sometimes turn out pretty and kinda arty.

Finally Yadira was ready, and after yelling at Katherine for sitting down in her dress they posed for a picture together. (I suggested this because I would want a picture of my momma and me looking spiffy to commemorate the occassion.)

Then it was Jimmito's turn with the camera and he decided to shoot everything but Katherine (who is his sister). And then he decided to shoot pictures of only Katherine as she slouched in the chair again.

By the time everyone was ready to leave we were all tired of taking pictures. But you can imagine, they all looked really great in their best clothes and full makeup.
Later I was sitting down to dinner when Deyring ran up talking a mile a minute. Evidently Carlos Mejía Godoy, a popular Nicaraguense singer (and Sandinista) was giving a free concert in the Plaza of Ciudad Sandino. We all ate our dinners quickly (even faster than usual) and ran (well, walked rather quickly) to the Plaza. Sure enough, there he was singing and dancing and yelling "VIVA CIUDAD SANDINO! VIVA NICARAGUA!" It was pretty awesome to sing Nicaragua, Nicaraguita with him and most of Ciudad Sandino.

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